Jan 12, 2012

How To Properly Install A New Motherboard

How To Properly Install A New Motherboard

How To Properly Install A New Motherboard by Otis Cooper -

The motherboard is the most expensive computer component so be sure to treat and handle it with great care.There are a few things you should do to ensure no motherboard damage occur as you prepare for the installation.

Be sure you have a clean,well lit,and level work place.Relax your mind and make this task both fun and educational.You will need such tools as a phillips screwdriver,maybe some needle nose pliers and the manual that came with the board.

Most importantly you must remove any and all electrical static discharge from your body and clothes.Static electricity is a big problem and will quickly damage chips on your new board.


Preparing to work on your system envolves work area,lighting, and much more.One great danger is the chance of electrical static charge.But this will be no problem when this static buildup is properly removes.

Remove this danger by grounding yourself.Touch the metal case of the system unit or better yet,touch a door nobt in your work area to remove all electrical static charge.

Set down and carefully read your user's manual and familiarize yourself with your new motherboard and its layout.Taking this time will boost your motherboard installation performance ike you never thought.

Study your new motherboard and keep the box it came in.Remove it from its protective wrap very carefully and without damaging the wrap.This is done just in case you need to return the motherboard.

You may need to return the motherboard if you made any mistakes in the purchase.Does the holes of your new motherboard line up with the holes in the case?If there are any reason to return the board,you can simply put it back in the box to return.

Make the installation of your new motherboard fun and prepare well.Go to www.ultimatepcrepair.com and click on the photos page to familiarize yourself with all of the components in the cmputer.Follow these procedures as a guildline to install your new motherboard.


First Turn on your computer and access your cmos setup. This is done as the computer counts its memory.Press the combination of keys to access your bios.once inside your bios,select "Standard CMOS Setup" and write down all information about your computer's drives.

Make sure you get the density of your floppy drives and the type of hard drive you have. Once you have this, turn off and unplug the computer and remove the case.

Second Study your system unit layout and you may want to take notes as your remove components and connections so that it will be easier when it comes to re-installing these components or connections.

Go about unplugging the wires that are connected to your old motherboard.Remember to label any and all connections to make re-installing them easier later.Here's where its very important to take awhile to study your old and new boards before disconnecting anything.

Third Carefully disconnect all drives and label the connectors if needed.Remove the drives and set them out of the way in a safe place.Place all small screws in a cup or something where them won't get lost.

Carefully grasp the motherboard and give it a gentle tug upwards to be sure on connections,screws,or other devices are not interferring with the board's removal.

Once you are certain there are no obstruction for the board to be removed,lift the board out of the system unit.Look to see if such components as the memory need to be installed onto the new motherboard.


Installing the new motherboard is the reverse order of removing the old motherboard.Be sure you remove all electrical static discharge from you body and clothes.Inspect the new board for damage and to be certain it is the right motherboard for your computer.

Carefully align the new motherboard with the system unit case and secure the board.Be careful not to secure the screws too much.Install the CPU chip if it is not installed on the board from the manufacturer.

Connect the large power connector from the power supply the the motherboard connector.Take care in not forcing the connector which may bend a pin.

Install RAM Memory into their sockets and check to be sure they are puched in completely.Re-connect all other devices such as controllers,expansion cards and finally the drives.

Check the sound,and videos cards for proper installation. Did you install your internal modem,or scanner adapter card? Connect the leads to the On-Off switch as well the hard drive indicator.

After all connections and components are installed,stop and go back to check again,and then,check some more.Replace the system unit cover once you know all is well.

Your system should now be ready to go.The motherboard may come with a cdrom containing device drivers and other software utilities that may be required to be installed.

Now try turning on the computer and if the POST completed without a hitch,you're there.If you experience problems,go back and check all connections and devices.

Ita that easy to install or upgrade not only the motherboard,but nearly every other component in the system unit.Get busy understanding your computer now and save big on future PC repair costs.

Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user. Use his informative articles and videos to understand all about the PC. Read more in depth articles for pc training and repair at http://www.repairarticles.com

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Top Tips For Computer Accessories

Top Tips For Computer Accessories

Top Tips For Computer Accessories by Steve Wickenden

If you have a desktop computer, you need a lot of things to get the most of your experience. There are a lot of desktop computer accessories that you need in order to hear, see, and do all of the things that computers are now designed to do. In some cases, you may get most of these items with your computer, but if you don’t, you need to know what to get and where to get it. You also have to make sure you know what you are buying is going to work with the computer you have.

When you buy a new computer, make sure you ask what desktop computer accessories will come with your new toy. At the very least, you should get speakers and a printer with it, and if you want to add extras, they may charge you for it. For the most part, however, they want to make a sale, and may throw things in just to get you to buy from them, though this is not always the case. Make sure they tell you all about the desktop computer accessories that they are sending to you, and make sure you ask if they are the most up to date ones you can get.

If you find that you need to buy some desktop computer accessories on your own, you can go through the manufacturer of your computer to make sure the ones you are buying will be compatible. This may also allow you to get a better price than by going through the retail stores. You can also find desktop computer accessories by looking online, but make sure you know what you are looking at as your browse. Some manufacturers make accessories that will only go with their own product lines while other try to make universal items that will go with any computer.

Remember to be careful when you install your desktop computer accessories. Most of them come with software that you need to install in order for the item to work with your computer and it’s software. When you plug something new into your computer, the computer should find and install any software it needs. If it does not, you may have a problem on your hands, and you may have to call the manufacturer of the desktop computer accessories you purchased to ask them for help. If they cannot help you, you may have to call your computer maker’s technical help line.

Steve Wickenden runs his own mail order business as well as running several shopping based websites. His particular speciality is electronics and computers.
Visit his website which is full of Computer Accessories tips.

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built by mdofpc

At some point in time, you are going to be in the market for a new computer. When this time comes, you should definitely check out your options with custom built computers.

First off, let me develop a bit of credibility. I have been working on the net, and thus computers, for nine years. Between my partner and I, we have over 200 total sites. All of this means I am on a computer roughly 15 hours a day during the week and at least four hours a day on the weekends. I love the work, so it isn’t a problem. Regardless, I have gone through at least 15 computers and developed a feel for what works best.

If you work on the computer frequently, you need one thing more than anything else. You need speed. Most computers are built to minimum levels in one area or another. Like the weak link in a chain, one slow area kills the speed of the computer. So, you need a computer that flies on all fronts. So, who sells them. Sadly, the answer is nobody. Instead, you need to have one built for you.

The best recommendation I can give you is to request MDofPC Custom Computers LLC to build a computer for you. . Avoid the big megamarts or the local overpriced computer store. When you call one of our sales reps, you should tell them the type of work you do, what you want the computer to do and what you don’t care about. If you use the computer for business purposes, you probably need excel. If you don’t, you probably don’t. Also emphasize that you want to the computer to be blinding fast. The computer I am working on now is custom built. The pages load so fast on the web that I can’t actually see them loading. They are just there. This is what you want. Make sure you tell them this clearly.

You are probably skeptical about two things – price and quality. On price, you should expect to pay about the same amount or less than you would for an off the shelf computer. I paid $800 for this one and it is better than anything you can get off the shelf. As to quality, I hate to break the news to you, but name brand computers are made from the same parts your professional will be building. Dell does not make hard drives. IBM does not make video cards. They all are using parts from Intel, Selectron and the basic suppliers. Your computer will be built with the same thing and you won’t have to pay for the “brand name”.

What if you have a problem with the computer? Well, you can call the person that built it. They are like car mechanics. They are always around and they take pride in their work. If there is a problem, they will fix it for free. Now, contrast that with a name brand computer. Let’s say we buy a Dell computer, one of the worst brands on the market. If you have a problem, you call “customer service” This person, of course, is in India, the Philippines or some other location. They are reading a script of solutions to complaints. If your problem isn’t on that script, you are out of luck. Now, which situation sounds better to you?

At the end of the day, name brand computers are a scam. For the same price, you can get a custom built computer that blows away anything off the shelf. Try it just once and you will be amazed how much better buying a computer will end up. Hey, that’s my recommendation after years of using them.

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MDofPC Custom Computers

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built

Consider Having A Custom Computer Built by mdofpc

At some point in time, you are going to be in the market for a new computer. When this time comes, you should definitely check out your options with custom built computers.

First off, let me develop a bit of credibility. I have been working on the net, and thus computers, for nine years. Between my partner and I, we have over 200 total sites. All of this means I am on a computer roughly 15 hours a day during the week and at least four hours a day on the weekends. I love the work, so it isn’t a problem. Regardless, I have gone through at least 15 computers and developed a feel for what works best.

If you work on the computer frequently, you need one thing more than anything else. You need speed. Most computers are built to minimum levels in one area or another. Like the weak link in a chain, one slow area kills the speed of the computer. So, you need a computer that flies on all fronts. So, who sells them. Sadly, the answer is nobody. Instead, you need to have one built for you.

The best recommendation I can give you is to request MDofPC Custom Computers LLC to build a computer for you. . Avoid the big megamarts or the local overpriced computer store. When you call one of our sales reps, you should tell them the type of work you do, what you want the computer to do and what you don’t care about. If you use the computer for business purposes, you probably need excel. If you don’t, you probably don’t. Also emphasize that you want to the computer to be blinding fast. The computer I am working on now is custom built. The pages load so fast on the web that I can’t actually see them loading. They are just there. This is what you want. Make sure you tell them this clearly.

You are probably skeptical about two things – price and quality. On price, you should expect to pay about the same amount or less than you would for an off the shelf computer. I paid $800 for this one and it is better than anything you can get off the shelf. As to quality, I hate to break the news to you, but name brand computers are made from the same parts your professional will be building. Dell does not make hard drives. IBM does not make video cards. They all are using parts from Intel, Selectron and the basic suppliers. Your computer will be built with the same thing and you won’t have to pay for the “brand name”.

What if you have a problem with the computer? Well, you can call the person that built it. They are like car mechanics. They are always around and they take pride in their work. If there is a problem, they will fix it for free. Now, contrast that with a name brand computer. Let’s say we buy a Dell computer, one of the worst brands on the market. If you have a problem, you call “customer service” This person, of course, is in India, the Philippines or some other location. They are reading a script of solutions to complaints. If your problem isn’t on that script, you are out of luck. Now, which situation sounds better to you?

At the end of the day, name brand computers are a scam. For the same price, you can get a custom built computer that blows away anything off the shelf. Try it just once and you will be amazed how much better buying a computer will end up. Hey, that’s my recommendation after years of using them.

*****!!!!!!! DO NOT TRY AND HIDE SNEAKY LINKS IN THE BODY !!!!!***** href="http://www.submitsuite.com/products/article-submitter.htm">This article was published using Article Submitter

MDofPC Custom Computers

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Understanding the Different Types of Computer Memory

Understanding the Different Types of Computer Memory

Understanding the Different Types of Computer Memory by Grant Eckert

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 20 years or so, you are already aware of the tremendous strides that have been made in computer technology. In a relatively short amount of time computers have gone from being the size of a room, to the size of a hand's palm. While getting smaller and more compact, they have also become more effective and efficient at their functions. That doesn’t mean that owning and operating a computer means you know exactly how each of the components works.

One of the least understood aspects of a computer's operating system and function has to do with memory. Many people assume that their computer only has one kind and that it has unlimited space available. When their computer begins to run sluggishly or not at all, many are surprised to learn that the problem is the system's memory and it is easy to fix.

Before you are forced to learn the hard way about your computer's memory, let's discuss some of the different types of memory and their functions. The two most often recognized types of memory are RAM and virtual memory. RAM stands for random access memory. This is the type of memory that is responsible for "remembering" the details and programming of the various types of software on the computer. Each computer system is unique in terms of how much memory it has. The misconception among computer challenged people is that this type of memory is unlimited. It isn't. When RAM memory is full, the compute immediately moves given information to the virtual memory. Since virtual memory is intended to be a temporary storage area, if more RAM isn't added or space freed up, your computer will begin to run more slowly and programs and information may be lost or inaccessible.

Another type of computer memory is ROM or read only memory. This type of memory comes into play whenever you shut down or restart your computer. Any data you have on your system or are working on is immediately saved to this memory. When you start your system the ROM performs a power on self test or POST, to make sure all of your software and programs are working as they should. An important aspect of this test is the built in memory controller. In this way, your computer makes sure there aren't any errors in the memory chips.

From the ROM section of the computer's memory, the basic memory component BIOS does its job. This is where the most basic actions of the computer are controlled. In the computer world, it is known as the input/output system. The BIOS controls information about the various boot sequences on the computer, storage devices, and security features. It also keeps track of the system's plug and play capabilities and other vital, background functions of the computer. From this point the computer's memory stores the essential information of the operating system from the hard drive to the RAM memory and the memory cycle comes full circle.

With a working understanding of a computer's memory system, it's easy to see why it is essential to make sure the system's RAM is never overtaxed. RAM is responsible for making the OS or operating system function. If it doesn’t have enough space to make that happen, the computer runs poorly and you may lose use of vital information. Fortunately, your RAM space can be cleared out or increased with additional random access memory sticks. Both methods are useful for creating additional space.

Computers are much easier to understand when you have some knowledge of their memory systems and how to keep them in good operating order.

About Author:

Grant Eckert is a writer for UpgradeComputerMemory.com. UpgradeComputerMemory.com is a leading provider of Ram Memory | Upgrade Memory | Computer Memory

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select?

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select? by Rudy Silva

Computer memory upgrades are important upgrade that your computer must have from time to time. Of course, although there is a limit to what you can put, you would still find it beneficial to boost its memory capacity.

Modern computer units have bigger memory capacity. They are more powerful than those that were sold a few decades ago. Moreover, from then till now, there have been different kinds of memories that were used to run a pc.

When you do a pc memory upgrade, it is only going to make your computer perform better. At least, this is the general case because the memory of a computer is among the most important parts that contribute to the speed and efficiency of your machine. The other parts include the hard disk and the processor.

The popularity and importance of this machine in this era has forced people to learn how it works. In this case, they would be able to do minor troubleshooting and parts replacements. By doing so, computer owners can save their pockets from the costly services of technicians.

Now, if you have pc and know a little about how it works, then it’s quite possible for you to encounter problem once you do a computer memory upgrade. This is most especially true if you try to do it yourself.

The problems that you might encounter are:

- Having the wrong kind of memory. There are various kinds of memories in the market which results to various computer memory upgrades. If you do not know what kind of memory your pc uses or laptop uses, then it is impossible for you to do it alone.

- Installing too much memory which could be a cause the computer not to work. Memory capacity depends on the model of your unit. If you buy computer memory that is lower than what is necessary then your machine would not operate well. On the other hand, if you purchase something beyond its capacity, then that could burn the wires and chips that your memory cache has.

- Getting overcharged by opportunist technicians as there are some around. Although there are honest technicians, that still wouldn’t stop others to take advantage of those who do not know much about their machines. Because of this they tend to offer their services at almost impossible amount.

As oppose to this, you could have a cheap memory computer if you only understand enough about your unit. To give you an idea on how to improve your pc’s performance for a breezy price, here are some of the known computer memory upgrades.

- Desktop memory upgrade. This kind of computer upgrade uses different kinds of memories to save information of various significances. It has RAM and ROM. Of these two, RAM or random access memory is the one that usually needs modification because it affects the unit’s performance.

- Laptop memory upgrade is somewhat more critical than that of the desktop simply because of the price. Laptops are generally pricier than most desktop units so if you don’t know how to maintain it, then you’ll be in a real trouble.

- RAM memory upgrade. RAM is important for any kind of computer machines. Without it, your unit would not run. There are different kinds of RAM. There is SDRAM, DDR2, and DDR3 and there are the older versions.

Although few years ago, DDR2 and DDR3 were considered the latest, there are still those that have units running with older kinds of RAM and you could even be one of them. If in case you are, then it is important to consult someone else because you might also need to upgrade the other parts of your computer.

Older computer chip sets do not run with the latest RAMS and this makes computer memory upgrades a little complicated. To be sure that you have the right thing and amount, check the requirement of the memory type that you want to use.

Are you thinking of doing Upgrades computer memory? Do you want to know where to get services for memory upgrades? We at The Upgrade Place specialize in memory upgrades for all types of computers. We are also a supplier for flash memory cards, USB flash drives and laptop batteries. Visit our website at http://www.theupgradeplace.com/ to get more information about our computer products.

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select?

Want To Know Which Computer Memory Upgrades To Select? by Rudy Silva

Computer memory upgrades are important upgrade that your computer must have from time to time. Of course, although there is a limit to what you can put, you would still find it beneficial to boost its memory capacity.

Modern computer units have bigger memory capacity. They are more powerful than those that were sold a few decades ago. Moreover, from then till now, there have been different kinds of memories that were used to run a pc.

When you do a pc memory upgrade, it is only going to make your computer perform better. At least, this is the general case because the memory of a computer is among the most important parts that contribute to the speed and efficiency of your machine. The other parts include the hard disk and the processor.

The popularity and importance of this machine in this era has forced people to learn how it works. In this case, they would be able to do minor troubleshooting and parts replacements. By doing so, computer owners can save their pockets from the costly services of technicians.

Now, if you have pc and know a little about how it works, then it’s quite possible for you to encounter problem once you do a computer memory upgrade. This is most especially true if you try to do it yourself.

The problems that you might encounter are:

- Having the wrong kind of memory. There are various kinds of memories in the market which results to various computer memory upgrades. If you do not know what kind of memory your pc uses or laptop uses, then it is impossible for you to do it alone.

- Installing too much memory which could be a cause the computer not to work. Memory capacity depends on the model of your unit. If you buy computer memory that is lower than what is necessary then your machine would not operate well. On the other hand, if you purchase something beyond its capacity, then that could burn the wires and chips that your memory cache has.

- Getting overcharged by opportunist technicians as there are some around. Although there are honest technicians, that still wouldn’t stop others to take advantage of those who do not know much about their machines. Because of this they tend to offer their services at almost impossible amount.

As oppose to this, you could have a cheap memory computer if you only understand enough about your unit. To give you an idea on how to improve your pc’s performance for a breezy price, here are some of the known computer memory upgrades.

- Desktop memory upgrade. This kind of computer upgrade uses different kinds of memories to save information of various significances. It has RAM and ROM. Of these two, RAM or random access memory is the one that usually needs modification because it affects the unit’s performance.

- Laptop memory upgrade is somewhat more critical than that of the desktop simply because of the price. Laptops are generally pricier than most desktop units so if you don’t know how to maintain it, then you’ll be in a real trouble.

- RAM memory upgrade. RAM is important for any kind of computer machines. Without it, your unit would not run. There are different kinds of RAM. There is SDRAM, DDR2, and DDR3 and there are the older versions.

Although few years ago, DDR2 and DDR3 were considered the latest, there are still those that have units running with older kinds of RAM and you could even be one of them. If in case you are, then it is important to consult someone else because you might also need to upgrade the other parts of your computer.

Older computer chip sets do not run with the latest RAMS and this makes computer memory upgrades a little complicated. To be sure that you have the right thing and amount, check the requirement of the memory type that you want to use.

Are you thinking of doing Upgrades computer memory? Do you want to know where to get services for memory upgrades? We at The Upgrade Place specialize in memory upgrades for all types of computers. We are also a supplier for flash memory cards, USB flash drives and laptop batteries. Visit our website at http://www.theupgradeplace.com/ to get more information about our computer products.

Article Source: Sustainable Living Articles